A Cup of Coaching

A daily pick-me-up of coaching to get your energy flowing forward. 


Our perfect mis-takes

You've probably heard the saying, "There are no mistakes in life."  What comes up for you when you hear that?  What if you were to view your mis-takes as choosing to take paths that led you on new life journeys?  What would it be like to think that every choice you've perceived as a mis-take was actually the best possible choice you could have made at the time you made it, with the resources (internal and external) that were available to you?  It is human tendency to question our choices and criticize ourselves for things we thought we should have done differently.  Instead, let us view those choices as learning opportunities, catalysts for growth, and perfect mis-takes that have led us to where we are right here, right now. 


Our higher selves

All of us have a higher self.  Some of us may call it intuition, instinct, or wisdom.  It's that inner voice that guides us through life's challenges, recognizes life's opportunities, and helps us to understand our true purpose in life.  Even if we may think we don't have a higher self, or that she is hidden somewhere, we can access her by exploring what an authentic life would look like to us, and how we can live that life unapologetically and without reserve.  Our higher self can tell us what's really important to us, and what we have been giving up or sacrificing in order to be where we are today.  What does your higher self say?  How can you access her more fully to live your authentic life? 


Receive (Part 3)

We asked.  We believed.  What's next?  We receive.  Receiving is the third and final step to manifesting what you have asked of the Universe (or partner, or employer).  In some shape or form, you will get what you have asked for.  This is the Law of Attraction and it works!  Receiving is the easiest part, because we have already set the forces of attraction in motion.  We let our intentions be known.  We believed we have already received what we have asked for.  And we receive it with an open mind, an open heart, and open arms. 

A friend of mine is a huge believer in the Law of Attraction and uses it often to manifest more money in her life.  As an example, she received a letter from her student loan company that forgave her the balance of her student loan, which was over $900!  Now, she probably didn't specifically ask for her student loans to go away.  But, she did ask for and visualize financial abundance.  And, she got it!


Believe (Part 2)

After asking for something, what's next?  Do we just sit back and wait for it to arrive?  Well, some of us might.  But that doesn't do anything to support the dynamic forces we just put into motion by asking.  Next, we must believe that we have already gotten that for which we have asked.  Believing is the second crucial step.  Believe it like you know that the check is already in the mail.  Believe it with your core being, believe it with your words, your actions and your emotions.  Believe it with all your senses.  You don't have to keep asking for it.  Once you ask, just believe that whatever you have asked for is already on its way. 


Just ask (Part 1)

Asking for what you want can mean so many different things.  It might be in a relationship, a job, what you want for your birthday, or even something you hold in your life as an unreachable "dream."  Regardless of what type of asking it may be, the first step you must choose to take is to ASK.  Your partner, your boss and even the Universe won't know how to respond until you actually make that request.  Especially when it comes to your hopes and dreams, asking is a powerful force that sets in motion the dynamics that will bring you exactly what you want.  What are you going to ask for today?