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"Time" may be one of the most misguided human constructs of all, er, time.  In reality, time does not exist; what we think of as the passing of time is really just lots of present moments back to back.   But, as humans, we are tied to the clock.  Always rushing, always hurrying.   In the act getting from here to there as quickly as possible, we perpetuate the lack of time in our lives.  We complain that there's not enough time and voila, the Universe delivers.  As a result, if we constantly have our eyes on the clock, we live outside the present moment, the only moment where time does not exist.  What a paradox!  How would it feel to not have to worry about time and only have our focus on the present?   What would our lives look like if we started thinking, "I have plenty of time to do what I need to do!" instead of "I never have enough time!"  Our stress levels would decrease, we may notice what's right in front of us, and, miraculously, we may never run out of "time" again. 

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