A Cup of Coaching

A daily pick-me-up of coaching to get your energy flowing forward. 


Celebrating accomplishment

In the planning of our goals, we set our intention, we write it down, we visualize, we construct action plans, we take mini-steps, we set a deadline and we establish accountability to someone other than ourselves.  When we accomplish our goal, what then?  We celebrate of course!  Celebration is as important to the goal-setting process as any of the other components.  When we celebrate, we anchor the energy of achievement into our beings with positive, rejuvenating love.  Any and all accomplishments, whether large or small, are causes for celebration.  And celebration can happen at any time on the way toward the final goal, not just when the goal is completed.  Often, those times we are struggling and we manage to take a step closer are the times we need to celebrate the most!  How to celebrate?  We can celebrate in whatever ways we choose that support us in our continued success and motivation. This week, how will you celebrate your accomplishments?


Choosing words carefully

Our words and how we choose to use them can tell us a lot about ourselves.  Some words have naturally negative connotations, but others' negativity is much more covert.  What do you think we can tell about ourselves when we say "I should ____"?  Or, "I have to _____"?  Words like should, need to and have to come from a space of fear, because the natural follow up to any of those is "or else."  Try it on: "I have to lose weight or else I will be alone the rest of my life."  Or, "I should compliment her or else she won't like me."  We can replace them with the love-based "I choose to" or "I want to."  Other covertly negative words are: can't, must, maybe, always, and never.  Some words with which to consider replacing them are:  choose not to, choose, will, sometimes, or seldom.  These words come from a space of love, not fear.  The words we choose come from our internal thoughts and feelings, so if the words we choose are based in fear, then we should look at fear and how it may be blocking us. 


Pain vs. suffering

In life, we all experience pain, but we don't have to suffer.  Pain is a physical or emotional response to a stimulus.  Suffering is a choice.  Those of us who live with chronic pain can do so with a conscious decision to not let the pain victimize us.  Likewise, when our hearts get broken we can choose to let go of the past instead of clinging to it.  When we grasp for what was, or hold on to identities that keep us in a negative space, what good are we creating for ourselves?  How does suffering benefit us?  The answers may be surprising.  Although suffering cannot exist in a positive energy space, it serves those who choose to suffer by fueling their created reality of being a victim.  It allows them to continue to suckle the energy from those around them, and in return receive all the benefits of dependency and co-dependency.  Choosing to persevere rather than suffer, we can break the cycle and free ourselves of the negative identities we have created and endure most anything that comes our way. 



Trust comes from a space of confidence: confidence in ourselves, confidence that the Universe will only bring us that for which we are ready, and the confidence to openly receive what is delivered.  Trusting in the nebulous, ever changing process of life is like taking a leap of faith into the unknown while wearing gossamer wings.  We know we will be able to fly, but we aren't quite sure how.  While we may not know what is around the corner or what may happen next week, when we are confident in ourselves as we are RIGHT NOW, we trust that we can handle the next moment, and the next and the next.  When we can't or don't trust ourselves or others, we are making a choice to either focus on the past or the future, neither of which is happening right now.  Knowing that we will be ready for whatever life brings us, we can trust ourselves to fly steadily forward each day, higher and farther than we ever thought possible.


Building Courage

We all possess the courage to do the things we desire, even those things that may be outside of our comfort zone.  But when that voice in our head says "No, I can't," it can be difficult to think anything else when our fears are so deeply rooted in what we may have told ourselves for years and years.  Our thought-streams can be so ingrained that what we think becomes who we are.  So if that is the case, why can't we just change our thoughts?  It sounds easy, but often it takes a conscious effort to change, as well as practice.  So what better way to practice than to start by taking some small steps that stretch us but aren't overwhelming?  We can then build on that newfound courage to challenge ourselves in our next goal.  By stepping toward new goals, we reinforce that we can do it.  So the next time that little voice in our heads says, "No, I can't," we can firmly say, "Yes, I can!"