A Cup of Coaching

A daily pick-me-up of coaching to get your energy flowing forward. 



Interpretations are stories we make up to keep us in a certain energy space.  Because we are making an internal judgment based on an external situation, we act on interpretations as if they were unwavering truth.  But basically an interpretation is merely an opinion that we have chosen to believe.  The key word here is "chosen."  We have made a choice to believe something about a certain thing, person or situation.  Interpretations have the power to keep us stuck or blocked.  While someone may choose to believe that the reason she was not hired was because of the way she dressed, the actual reason may be because her skill set was inappropriate for the job.  And while the latter may seem like a worse scenario, the former actually takes a bigger toll on her emotionally because she chose to be a victim instead of realizing she may have just applied for a job that was not well suited for her.  When we find ourselves interpreting a situation, good questions to ask may be:  What purpose is this interpretation serving me?  How does it benefit me?  How does it limit me? 


Cultivating Love

Cultivating love in our lives means realizing it first within ourselves.  If we embody love, live love, and give love, then love returns to us in kind.  By freely sharing the love that comes from within, we create the energy of abundance around love, that is, we share that which we already have.  And when we share, our love within does not diminish.  On the contrary, if we do not love ourselves, we exist in a space of lack and cannot muster any love to give to anyone else.  But how, if we have no love for ourselves, do we cultivate it?   By knowing that we, as graceful beings, are simply and purely...love.  When we first entered onto the Earth in our physical form, we embodied love and throughout our lives, we never lost it.  We may have lost sight of it, but it still resides within us.  Knowing in our hearts that we are love allows us to realize that we do have love to share.  Today, this week, how will you share some of that love that is you with the rest of the world?


The process

When we set goals, of course we think about the end result: the prize.  But sometimes we forget that the process toward the goal is just as important!  In it, we may learn more about ourselves then we could have imagined or planned.  We learn about perseverance, tolerance to pain or suffering, patience, understanding, compassion, judgment, love, acceptance, and many other emotions and feelings.  Regardless of whether we win, lose, achieve the goal or realize the goal is out of our reach this time, the process and what we learn from it is invaluable and can be applied toward the next goal or objective.  If our intention is merely to win or lose, we may miss out on the most important message of all. 



Our thought processes evolve over the course of our lives.  By the time we are adults, the way we think (our thought-stream) is deeply ingrained, like a river that has run the same course over thousands of years.  Eventually that river cuts deep ridges into the earth, and its course is seemingly unchangeable.  Like the river, our thoughts cut a path in our minds that is difficult to change.  At times that path may seem like the Grand Canyon!  But if we become mindful of the way our thoughts appear--which thoughts are habitual and negative and which thoughts are fleeting and positive--we can begin to divert that deeply ingrained thought-stream onto another course.  Like a rivulet that miraculously breaks away from the powerful river, our thought-stream can create a new path.  The more we concentrate on our new way of thinking, the more ingrained that new path becomes.  Over time, our new thought-streams evolve into powerful rivers of positive thinking. 


Who are we?

Everyone experiences a time in our lives when we wonder, "Who am I?"  So often we define ourselves by what others have told us, and who we tell ourselves we are.  But what if, at any given moment, we had a choice to be who we always thought we could be?  To not buy in to the voice in our heads that tells us we are less than, or weak, or a freak?  To not let that saboteur define how we live our lives, how we meet our goals, and how we judge ourselves?  What if, in every moment, we had the choice to live as the person we were born to be, and lived each moment to the best of our abilities?  Guess what?  We do have that choice.  The saboteur in our heads is not who we are.  We are more than that.  We are greater than that.  We are, right now, perfect.